Sunless Sea(Early Access v. торрент

- Размер: 583 MB
- Категория: download / Демо,бета версии
- Загрузок: 4 197
- Комментарии: 0
- Дата обновления:15.10.2014
обзор Sunless Sea(Early Access
Год выпуска: 2014
Жанр: Adventure, RPG
Разработчик: Failbetter Games
Издательство: Failbetter Games
Платформа: PC
Язык интерфейса: ENG
Язык озвучки: -
Тип издания: Early Access v.
Таблэтка: не требуется
Системные требования:
Операционная система:
Windows XP/Vista/7/8
2Ghz or better
700 MB available space
1280x768 minimum resolution, DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card
Sunless Sea - необычная игра с видом сверху сочитает все несколько жанров.Вы капитан собственного судна и управление командой удолых парней теперь ваша команда которой вы управляете.Ваш путь начнется с страшных и ужасных встечь с чудищами и монстрами, игра имеет красивую и сочную графику , а так же вы имеете возможности апгрейтить свое судно начиняя его пушками и в дальнейшем эти самые пушки можно тоже прокачать до предела.
В течении игры вы узнаете судьбу каждого члена вашего экипажа и понять на что способен тот или иной персонаж.Главная ваша цель завершить ваше путешествие живым.
Other Goodies
• SO MANY NEW ISLANDS! very little content as yet, but some amazing sightseeing. The Chelonate, Varchas, Fathomking’s Hold, Visage, Saviour’s Rocks, the Isle of Cats, the Gant Pole, Nuncio, the Grand Geode, and the (unfinished) Dawn Machine. You’ll also see a great many unnamed islands filling up the zee – generally, there’s much less empty space.
• Terror now accumulates much more slowly, although Terror pips also dissipate much more slowly.
• You can now tuck your officers out of the way with the button by your Captain’s portrait.
• If you haven’t already brought your stories up to date, you’ll find that the Brisk Campaigner, the Nacreous Outcast and the Principles of Coral all have stories; the Wisp-Ways are open in the Mangrove College; and new branches have sprouted like, well, branches, on a whole lot of existing content.
• Combat is now real-time and takes place on the sailing screen
• Weapons equipped to your Forward, Deck and Aft slots will now give you access to attacks
• Each attack has a Range, Firing Arc, Damage amount and Warmup time
• While an enemy is in your weapon’s firing arc, the firing solution will increase
• Once a firing solution is over 50%, you have the option to fire. Your % through firing solution is equal to your chance to hit, meaning if you wait for 100%, you are ensured a hit.
• If the enemy is in your headlights, the firing solution will increase at double the speed
• Your Iron level will increase the damage your weapons do
• Your Mirrors level will reduce the warmup time of your attacks
• Your Veils level will reduce the range at which enemies will spot you
• To engage your enemy, simply click on them with your cursor or hit the Tab key (you can also toggle between possible enemies with Tab)
• Using keys 1-3 will fire your currently equipped weapons in combat
• When you manage to avoid an enemy, it will begin to search the area it last spotted you
• When an enemy spots you, they will engage in combat
• Running with your lights off will reduce the distance at which enemies can spot you
• Organic creatures will not fire missiles at you, but will instead ram your ship and deal damage to you
• When you defeat an enemy, they will drop loot crates, allowing you to pick up rewards
• Entering combat will hide your officers from the HUD
• Enemies will attempt to avade you if you have locked on to them for a while
• Certain organic creatures will submerge beneath the water, making it impossible to target them
• You are unable to fire through terrain or objects in the sea, and instead have to wait until you have a clear line on your opponent
• Using The Unclear Device during combat will cause your enemy to lose sight of your for 10 seconds
• Using a Rattus Faber Assistant during combat will repair 10 hull damage
• Using a Lump of Blue Scintillack during combat will fill all of your attack solutions instantly
• You can leave the combat interface by pressing the cross at the end of the attack bar, as long as you are not currently being pursued by a target
• You can now toggle the display of your officers using the cross next to your avatar
• The cursor has been reworked
• Beasties no longer spawn randomly over time, but instead tiles are automatically populated with a random number of beasties when you enter them
• As a result of the above, tile populations are more random, but you will no longer be mobbed by constantly respawning enemies, it will be possible to clear a tile and then leave
• Enemy populations are currently much lower than before while we balance combat
• The Zee-bat has been reworked and should now be providing more accurate information
• The animation of the Zee-bat has been improved
• You can now dismiss the Zee-bat message with the Z key
• Weight now has a more noticeable effect on speed
• Terror increases much more slowly now while we balance combat

Жанр: Adventure, RPG
Разработчик: Failbetter Games
Издательство: Failbetter Games
Платформа: PC
Язык интерфейса: ENG
Язык озвучки: -
Тип издания: Early Access v.
Таблэтка: не требуется
Системные требования:
Операционная система:
Windows XP/Vista/7/8
2Ghz or better
700 MB available space
1280x768 minimum resolution, DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card
Sunless Sea - необычная игра с видом сверху сочитает все несколько жанров.Вы капитан собственного судна и управление командой удолых парней теперь ваша команда которой вы управляете.Ваш путь начнется с страшных и ужасных встечь с чудищами и монстрами, игра имеет красивую и сочную графику , а так же вы имеете возможности апгрейтить свое судно начиняя его пушками и в дальнейшем эти самые пушки можно тоже прокачать до предела.
В течении игры вы узнаете судьбу каждого члена вашего экипажа и понять на что способен тот или иной персонаж.Главная ваша цель завершить ваше путешествие живым.
Other Goodies
• SO MANY NEW ISLANDS! very little content as yet, but some amazing sightseeing. The Chelonate, Varchas, Fathomking’s Hold, Visage, Saviour’s Rocks, the Isle of Cats, the Gant Pole, Nuncio, the Grand Geode, and the (unfinished) Dawn Machine. You’ll also see a great many unnamed islands filling up the zee – generally, there’s much less empty space.
• Terror now accumulates much more slowly, although Terror pips also dissipate much more slowly.
• You can now tuck your officers out of the way with the button by your Captain’s portrait.
• If you haven’t already brought your stories up to date, you’ll find that the Brisk Campaigner, the Nacreous Outcast and the Principles of Coral all have stories; the Wisp-Ways are open in the Mangrove College; and new branches have sprouted like, well, branches, on a whole lot of existing content.
• Combat is now real-time and takes place on the sailing screen
• Weapons equipped to your Forward, Deck and Aft slots will now give you access to attacks
• Each attack has a Range, Firing Arc, Damage amount and Warmup time
• While an enemy is in your weapon’s firing arc, the firing solution will increase
• Once a firing solution is over 50%, you have the option to fire. Your % through firing solution is equal to your chance to hit, meaning if you wait for 100%, you are ensured a hit.
• If the enemy is in your headlights, the firing solution will increase at double the speed
• Your Iron level will increase the damage your weapons do
• Your Mirrors level will reduce the warmup time of your attacks
• Your Veils level will reduce the range at which enemies will spot you
• To engage your enemy, simply click on them with your cursor or hit the Tab key (you can also toggle between possible enemies with Tab)
• Using keys 1-3 will fire your currently equipped weapons in combat
• When you manage to avoid an enemy, it will begin to search the area it last spotted you
• When an enemy spots you, they will engage in combat
• Running with your lights off will reduce the distance at which enemies can spot you
• Organic creatures will not fire missiles at you, but will instead ram your ship and deal damage to you
• When you defeat an enemy, they will drop loot crates, allowing you to pick up rewards
• Entering combat will hide your officers from the HUD
• Enemies will attempt to avade you if you have locked on to them for a while
• Certain organic creatures will submerge beneath the water, making it impossible to target them
• You are unable to fire through terrain or objects in the sea, and instead have to wait until you have a clear line on your opponent
• Using The Unclear Device during combat will cause your enemy to lose sight of your for 10 seconds
• Using a Rattus Faber Assistant during combat will repair 10 hull damage
• Using a Lump of Blue Scintillack during combat will fill all of your attack solutions instantly
• You can leave the combat interface by pressing the cross at the end of the attack bar, as long as you are not currently being pursued by a target
• You can now toggle the display of your officers using the cross next to your avatar
• The cursor has been reworked
• Beasties no longer spawn randomly over time, but instead tiles are automatically populated with a random number of beasties when you enter them
• As a result of the above, tile populations are more random, but you will no longer be mobbed by constantly respawning enemies, it will be possible to clear a tile and then leave
• Enemy populations are currently much lower than before while we balance combat
• The Zee-bat has been reworked and should now be providing more accurate information
• The animation of the Zee-bat has been improved
• You can now dismiss the Zee-bat message with the Z key
• Weight now has a more noticeable effect on speed
• Terror increases much more slowly now while we balance combat

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