Carmageddon: Reincarnationv0.4.0.5890 (Update 11) [Rus|Eng] [Alpha|Steam Early Access] - ALI213
![Carmageddon: Reincarnationv0.4.0.5890 (Update 11) [Rus|Eng] [Alpha|Steam Early Access] - ALI213](/_ld/570/37638935.jpg)
- Размер: 18.8 GB
- Категория: download / Демо,бета версии
- Загрузок: 2 428
- Комментарии: 0
- Дата обновления:20.07.2014
обзор Carmageddon:

Общая информация:
Дата выпуска: 30.09.2014
Жанр: Arcade / Racing (Cars) / 3D
Разработчик: Stainless Games Ltd
Издатели: Stainless Games Ltd
Платформа: PC (Steam)
Тип издания: Alpha
Версия игры: v0.4.0.5890 (16 июля 2014)
Язык интерфейса: Английский, Русский
Язык озвучки: Английский
Таблетка: Вшита (ALI213) и отдельно старая (3DM)
Системные требования:
o OS: Win 7 32-bit
o Processor: Intel i3 2.4GHz or equivalent
o Memory: 4 GB RAM
o Graphics: 1Gb DirectX 11 (AMD HD 6000 series GPU or equivalent)
o DirectX: Version 11
o Hard Drive: 20 GB available space
o Sound Card: DirectX compatible
o Additional Notes: Spec will be revised continually during Early Access
o OS: Win 7 64-bit
o Processor: Intel i3 3.4GHz or equivalent
o Memory: 8 GB RAM
o Graphics: 2Gb DirectX 11 (AMD HD 7800 series GPU or equivalent)
o DirectX: Version 11
o Hard Drive: 20 GB available space
o Sound Card: DirectX compatible
o Additional Notes: Spec will be revised continually during Early Access Описание:
Carmageddon: Reincarnation - римейк классической аркадной гоночной игры, наполненной кровавым весельем - вниманию игроков предлагаются гонки без правил, в которых игрокам предстоит обогнать всех своих врагов, попутно сбивая людей, животных и другие автомобили. Дополнительная информация:
Информация о релизе:
Игра обновлена до v0.4.0.5890 с помощью Steam от 16.07.2014 и включает весь вышедший контент Официальный сайт игры ТУТ. Дополнительная информация ТУТ По умолчанию стоит русский язык
Смена языка производится в файле ALI213.ini в следующем пункте
Language=russian или Language=english

Список изменений:
16 июля
Early Access Title Update 4 – 16 July 2014
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
Time to cancel your evening plans, ignore the phone and get stuck into some Carma carnality as we bring you ANOTHER exciting Update! This is the 4th Update, as we continue to STUFF your Steam with Carma Goodness - WOO!
This time, we have lots of cool updates and NEW STUFF to check out - such as sexeh fully textured cars, new PowerUps, a new car, and whole new arena to play in! So go forth, download your Update and CHECK THIS LOT OUT:
• Stiffshifter (Gameplay Ready)
• Volkswerker (Complete)
• Bear (Complete)
• Tashita (Complete)
Bleak City - Outskirts
• 1 new route – Rushin’ Roulette
MagNuChem – The Core
• New arena! 1 Route – Core Blimey Mate
MagNuChem - Reprocessor
• 3 new routes!
o Bridge of Cries
o Pier Pressure
o Pass the Port
Dusty Trails – National Park
• No new routes Powerups have been rejigged.
Frosty Pass – Rig Wreck
• New and improved! Now with more girth!
New Powerups!
• Spastic Opponents
• Suicidal Peds
• Jelly Suspension
• Wall Climber
• Placeable cameras in AR (check FAQ[] for how to use)
• Updated sound content
The FAQ[] and Known issues[] list has been updated too, so before you make a bug report make sure to check whether it's a known issue already! The FAQ also details how to use the NEW camera in AR! You can find the updated FAQ here[].
Finally before I go, just a quick reminder that we have a "Wish You Were Here” screenshot competition going on right now - so if you want to join in and win some Carmageddon goodies, there are more details here[]!
Hugs and big sloppy... giblets, Very Happy
Sim xxx 20 июня 2014
Early Access 'Hot Fix' Update – 20 June 2014
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
Hey there Carmafans!
Today we have a new Hot Fix available which fixes some issues introduced in our last update.
The new Hot Fix is available now (Pre-Alpha v0.3.0.5644). This will be automatically applied to your game the next time you run the Steam client. But if your game is not being updated, please log out of Steam and back in and it should then start the update.
The fixes in the Hot Fix are:
• Sound sliders are now correctly affecting car engine audio
• DSP Underwater audio effects now working correctly
For the full list of Known Issues visit 18 июня 2014
Early Access Title Update 3 – 18 June 2014
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
Grasp your controllers firmly Carmafans! In our efforts to pleasure you regularly with gaming goodness and gore, we bring you ANOTHER exciting Update to our Steam Early Access release of Carmageddon: Reincarnation. We have updated content and also present BRAND SPANKING NEW STUFF to ogle over, drive or destroy….and it's all OUT NOW!
Let’s take a look at what NEW goodies have been added and what’s been IMPROVED in our latest Update (build v0.3.0.5621)
• COMPLETE Annihilator
• COMPLETE The Plow INCLUDING driver Don Dumpster!
• Revealing The Bear (geometry complete, gameplay ready)
• Revealing Tashita (geometry complete except for weapon, gameplay ready)
• Revealing Volkswerker (geometry complete, gameplay ready)
Bleak City Outskirts
• NEW race routes for you to navigate
• Building optimisations
City Arena (Sumo)
• Complete and cosy NEW level, designed for future Multiplayer fun
Dusty Trails
• Tear round these NEW race routes
Rig Wreck
• Geometry and Texture WIP
Snow Arena (Iceberg)
• NEW routes, created with Multiplayer in mind
Industrial A
• Textures WIP
• NEW Wheelspin control; demanded by Carmafans, implemented by us …because we love ya!!
• More PowerUps – Discover the hilarious NEW ‘Opponent Ejaculator’ and ‘Opponent Bodywork Vac’ powerups, and revel in the return of some old favourites.
• Roaring NEW sound effects and engine noise
Optimisation work on our engine and rendering tech also continues, and you should experience further improvements to the performance of the game on medium spec PCs. See the specs details on the Steam Store page for more information regarding tech requirements. We’ve also fixed lots of bugs, however, please remember we’re still in Early Access, and so the oft-repeated caveats concerning game performance and BUGS still apply!
If you already own the game and your Steam update is set to run automatically, then you won’t have to lift a finger; all these new goodies will be downloaded the next time you run Carmageddon: Reincarnation! 7 мая 2014
Community Announcements - jason [stainless]
Update 2 is now available!
Go and get it while its hot!
j 7 мая 2014
Early Access Title Update 2 – 7 May 2014
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
We are deeply delighted to announce that our second big update for Carmageddon: Reincarnation is now available on Steam! And what a PILE of stuff we’ve got for y’all! Below is a list of all the notable THINGS that will be in the Update, plus some handy hints and explanations about what the new things actually DO!
Performance related changes
Our performance updates in the latest version include:
1. The game has a better frame rate in full screen. Reduce your screen resolution to improve performance.
2. We default to the LOW Graphics quality setting in the new Visual Options screen. Lowering this setting is the first thing you should try if your performance is not suitable.
3. Once you have set the Graphics quality setting to something that is approximately correct for your PC we suggest you use some of the Advanced options to further tune the look and performance of the game depending on your PC setup.
4. Post Processing, Shadows, Dynamic Cube Mapping, Virtual Textures and Ambient Occlusion are big performance hitters.
5. The new sliders for World Distance, Accessory Distance, Ped Distance and Vehicle Distance can all have dramatic effects on game performance. We suggest you try each one, see what affect it has in the game and experiment with getting a balance between visual niceties and a playable frame rate.
6. You will find that these sliders can be adjusted on per-level basis depending on how the level has been built, how large it is and the sort of viewing distance required.
On the Low setting and turning off VT’s, Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, Post Processing and Cube mapping we have been able to achieve a 30fps+ gameplay experience on nearly all levels using the following PC setup:
i3 @ 2.9Ghz, 4GB RAM, 1Gb AMD HD 5700 series video card. Chopping Maul is our largest level yet and this level will have worse performance than the others.
Please be aware that this is just the beginning of our performance optimisations. We expect to see a lot more happen over time as more content is implemented and we find out the best ways to render the game to screen for different PC setups.
Post Processing is in early stages and as such the visuals in game when they are switched on have not been set to final.
Virtual Textures have been implemented and are included in the build. They are switched off by default as (currently) they can have a detrimental effect on performance, especially on lower spec PCs. If you have a good rig we suggest you try them and see how they work. We would love to receive feedback about how they are working on your PC. Please include output from DXDiag with any reports. (See HERE for how to generate the DXDiag file.)
Multi-threaded Damage is switched off by default. This was a late addition to the game and hasn’t received much testing. It should provide a performance boost but as it is untested we expect there to be some dodgy results. You can help us by reporting bugs you see with this switched on. If you can try to replicate any bugs with it switched off and on before reporting the issue that would be fabulous.
For a complete breakdown of each setting please see the following support article:
New Features
New Environments:
• Bleak City
Environment Updates:
• Dusty Trails
o Now populated with more PUps and accessories
o Level geometry and texture tweaks and updates
• MagNuChem
o Now populated with more PUps and accessories
o Level geometry and texture tweaks and updates
• Rig Wreck
o Level geometry and texture tweaks and updates
New Cars:
• Electric Blue – complete with "Electro Bastard Ray” (ped reaction and visual effects not done yet – in the meantime, the ray insta-gibs ‘em!)
• The Plow – not textured yet
• Annihilator – complete with permanent "Hot Rod”, but also not textured yet
Car Updates:
• CU:NT Cop car textured and specs tweaked for game play
• General game play tweaks, adjustments and fixes to all cars
Front End updates:
• Improvements to the Wrecks Gallery and Garage
• New Visual Options to tweak to increase performance
• General bug fixes and improvements
In-Game updates:
o Performance and Stability Improvements
o More Ped animations
o More new Peds
o New Pups
Electro Bastard Ray
Peds on Map
Mine Shitting Ability
Fast Bleedout
Opponent Stinger
Ped Detonator
o Water splashes
o Minimap and Map tweaks
o PIS tweaks
o Additional audio and audio tweaks and improvements
o Action Replay tweaks and improvements
Things We Broke
The Eagle R’s damage texture is currently "horrible”. 3 апреля 2014
Early Access 'Hot Fix' Update – 3 April
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
Hey there Carmafans!
The team has been extremely busy since our Early Access launch last week and we have another ‘Hot Fix’ to send your way! The highlights for this Hot Fix include updates to Action Replay, making it more stable.
The new Hot Fix is available now (Pre-Alpha v0.1.3.4668). This will be automatically applied to your game, the next time you run the Steam client. But if your game is not being updated, please log out of Steam and back in and it should then start the update.
The fixes in the Hot Fix are:
Action Replay Fixes:
• Added Keyboard Controls for Camera (and Exit) in Action Replay
• General fixes to make Action Replay more stable
• Fixes to make Large/Long Action Replay sessions more stable
• Fixed some issues with particles in Action Replay
• Fixed some AR issues with Granny’s Zimmer frame
Others Fixes:
• Fixed some physics issues related to PEDs, PUPs and Picket Fences!
• Fixed crash problems when ejecting drivers from vehicles
• Fixed some text issues in Russian language version
• Made changes to the PowerUp Instant Selector graphic guide
New known issues with the current Steam build (Pre-Alpha v0.1.3.4668)
• Cows sometimes 'Teleport' at speed in Action Replay
• Caddy Fat Cat rear lights out of place when damaged
• Cannot cycle through cameras in post-race replay
• Slowdown when rewinding through footage of reconstruction of objects in Action Replay
• Help section cannot be accessed in Action Replay
For the full list of Known Issues including issues that have been fixed visit 27 марта 2014
Early Access Title Update - 27 March
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
Hey there Carmafans!
We are deeply delighted to announce that Early Access for Carmageddon: Reincarnation is now available on Steam! So go forth into splattering carnage land and enjoy your first taste of Hot Carmageddon Action!
With this Early Access launch (Pre-Alpha v0.1.2.4593) comes a new update to the "Early Early Access” build previously released as an exclusive preview for our Kickstarter Backers. This will be automatically applied to your game the next time you run the Steam client.
New Features (in addition to the content released exclusively for KS Backers):
New Features:
New environments:
• Dusty Trails
• MagNuChem
Front End updates:
• Control the visual options from the menus
• New settings to change the behaviour of reverse camera
• Adjust the master sound volume (boy do we treat you!)
• New option to quickly restart the event once your event has ended
In-Game updates:
• Performance and stability enhancements
• The Powerup Instant Selector (or "PIS”) – quick access to powerups you’ve picked up AND to purchase more after you’ve used them.
• A tutorial for the PIS
• Addition of the dev Free Cam and Inspection Cam available in action replay
• New types of ped
• More sounds
• General bug fixes
PIS Remapper
Select – Use the PIS to select 1 of 4 Powerups.
• Tap a direction to purchase a mapped Powerup
Purchase – Double tap to purchase the Powerup with race credits if you don’t own it.
• Double tapping buys that PUP and removes race credits
• You can only purchase PUPs if you have the credits (unless you have switched on the Allow PIS Overdraft in Pre Release Options – found on the Freeplay setup screen.)
Customise – Press and hold to reassign Powerups you've discovered.
• Press and hold the DPad or I,J,K,L keys to bring up the remapper.
• Navigate using steering controls.
• Enter/A to confirm choices.
• Esc/B to back up a level and exit the remapper.
• Only Powerups that have been collected can be mapped
Action Replay Special Cameras
• You can hide the Action Replay HUD by pressing "Num Pad .(Del)”!
Inspection Cam
• Press C on the keyboard or Y on the Controller to change cameras
• Use the right analogue stick to orbit around the car
Free Look cam
• Press C or Y on the Controller to change cameras
• Keyboard/Mouse only
• I and K to go up and down
• J and L to go left and right
• Mouse to look around
• Left click go forwards (hold shift to speed up)
• Right click go backwards (hold shift to speed up)
Known Issues with the current Steam build (Pre-Alpha v0.1.2.4593)
New issues
1. Motion Blur and translucent shadows are not yet working (but is not scratched out on the menu) – so fiddling with it is futile!
2. Sometimes when repairing your car, you may end up floating above the ground a little bit – bugger!
3. Max and Otis don’t appear to be turning the steering wheel in Caddy Fat Cat
4. Problems with Caddy Fat Cats Tail-lights, they don’t always crush properly.
5. All Front End audio and music missing after completing a race
6. Some Visual Options are being set to the lowest setting when changed in race first (recommend changing in main menu until fixed)
7. Can crash when leaving a race – (suggest continuing to play in a comical way? Hehe)
8. Some text is missing in English and Russian (sorry!)
9. Player car engine sound sometimes goes missing
10. When updating to this version, if you have fiddled with the config.lua file, the "Car reflection quality” may be naughty and set itself to "high” – which on lower spec PC’s my affect the performance. If you are having trouble with the performance, check the graphics settings and change this naughty setting to low.
11. Changing to windowed mode may do funny things… if funny things happen, quit the game and load it up again, it should then have got its act together
12. If you are having performance issues, have a fiddle with the graphics settings, pop things to low. The big winners to fiddle with are: Image Quality & Car Reflection Quality.
13. There are hardly any power ups in the MagNuChem and Dusty Trails environments, don’t worry though, they will be there soon!
For the full list of Known Issues including issues that have been fixed visit 15 марта 2014
Early Early Access 'Hot Fix' Update!
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
Hey there Carmafans!
So Thursday we had our Kickstarter and PayPal VIP Early Early Access Launch – and all in all it seems to have gone down a storm!
Now, those of you playing the game may have noticed one or two little reminders that this is a Pre-Alpha Game, and that you could be pretty certain to encounter some issues when playing – and we invited your comments and feedback. Well, we’re already getting some issues coming through that are being investigated (as well as finding more ourselves), and some issues reported are getting resolved really quickly here at Stainless, with a really positive effect on the overall stability of the game. Thank you so much for your help with this!
So, we have made a "Hot Fix” to the game, which has been uploaded today, 15 March 2014 (Pre-Alpha v0.1.0.4406). This will be automatically applied to your game, the next time you run the Steam client.
The fixes in the Hot Fix are:
• Improvements to wheel, axle and tyre damage sounds.
• Fix to damage which fixes the fact that collisions between cars or the world could improve health for both the player and AI cars. This meant that cars seemed difficult to wreck, certainly more difficult than we wanted them to be.
• Fix for the Repairing frame rate slowdown bug.
• Fix to the "weird damage” bug where cars would be halfway through the ground, or in mid-air, or parts could float, or the car could unexpectedly bounce. (Note that this is an "attempted/hopeful” fix. So if you do see any more of this shit, you’ll make Patrick cry but he won’t be that surprised.)
• Cops no longer continue to attack a wrecked player.
• Fix for the "Wrecked ‘em!” message not appearing, and also for cases where points or time were not awarded for collisions.
• A change to some legal stuff that no-one will care about.
Known issues with the current Steam build (Pre-Alpha v0.1.0.4406)
1. Sometimes peds can become confused by the terrain and/or congregate in certain areas of the map. If this happens we suggest you punish them!
2. The game continues to play and can be controlled when the game window is not in focus. We suggest you stay focused on Carmageddon at all times.
3. Action Replay is not yet fully functional and may exhibit strange behaviour or glitches, sometimes these can be humorous, sometimes it might just crash.
4. Toggling the microphone tick-box can cause audio problems in the menus. Don’t do it!
5. Audio can sometimes sound distorted - bugger!
6. Race timer can misbehave. Naughty Race timer!!
7. Performance and balancing of the power ups is incomplete. This will be an ongoing task for us, luckily for us they are great fun to play with!
8. Using Alt-Tab on the race complete screen can sometimes cause a blank black screen or a game crash. See point 2 for what to do.
9. The game will crash when trying to access Action Replay at the end of the race. Don’t do it!
10. Skid marks are sometimes rotated vertically and will go into the air. To be fair a car may have moved in that direction but it really should not be leaving skid marks in the air!
11. The horn doesn’t work. Pressing H will do nothing, other than wear out your H key.
12. Power ups can be knocked to the floor instead of being collected – bugger! We suggest you drive faster into them, in fact, drive faster everywhere in the game.
13. Power ups can be triggered on the race completed screen. This shouldn’t happen and could lead to all sorts of strange things to happen.
14. Viewing cars in the Garage sometimes displays flat grey tyres and bright body work. Eww, that doesn’t look nice. Just pretend you didn’t see it and you will feel better.
15. Sometimes the cars are missing from the Wrecks Gallery all together! Why not try playing the game again so you can see the wreckage in all its (morning) glory.
16. The Free Recovery Vouchers power up has no text callout. They are still free though so shouldn’t complain too much.
17. There are no callouts for Repairing or Recovering for free – see point 16.
18. Master volume slider isn’t functional – bugger!
19. If you have collected a Power Up and then view it in Action Replay it will sometimes appear, sometimes it won’t…
20. If you disable the race timer but then jump start the race the timer will appear again. Naughty race timer!
21. Alt + F4 doesn’t close the game when in full screen. See points 8 AND 2.
22. Some Kickstarter credits are missing – sorry guys! We will be re-working the credits screen as we progress through Early Access and making sure you guys are all credited.
23. The Loading screen stutters – bugger!
24. Peds occasionally teleport around the map or do not "ragdoll”. We suggest you punish them.
25. Bonuses are sometimes being awarded erroneously – hehe woohoo, extra rewards…but really – bugger!
26. Peds don’t always replay correctly in Action Replay. We suggest you punish them.
27. We don’t have a full suite of audio effects in-game. We are gathering appropriate audio effects but it has been difficult to find an oil rig smashed into an iceberg, populated with nuns to get the reference material required.
28. We have found a mysterious, quiet high-pitched whine occurring on some on-board sounds cards – twilight zone!
29. Lots of missing sounds, particularly environmental impact ones.
30. Lots of unfinished sounds and sound effects, including damage and repair.
31. Twister’s wheels are really bad at intersecting things.
32. Suspension/wheels flickering between two positions when damage is really bad.
33. Occasional crazy ‘smearing’ of bodywork into fantastical shapes after crazily heavy impacts.
Digital Rewards and Steam Keys
It’s also being reported that some of you have had trouble getting your Steam key from Humble Bundle. We are doing all we can to help here too! This is our step by step guide to dealing with this issue:
Can't find your email? Please follow these steps:
1) Check your emails junk folder or spam filter to make sure it's not been moved somewhere.
2) Create a Humble Bundle account and go to your library to check for past purchases
3) Use The Humble Key Resender found on the following link and enter your email address you submitted in your survey information for your digital goods to be sent to:
If your email has changed since you pledged please send an email to [email protected] and we'll try and get you into the game as soon as possible!
Finally, thanks again for all the great feedback to the Launch, and your continued support for Carmageddon: Reincarnation.
Early Access Title Update 4 – 16 July 2014
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
Time to cancel your evening plans, ignore the phone and get stuck into some Carma carnality as we bring you ANOTHER exciting Update! This is the 4th Update, as we continue to STUFF your Steam with Carma Goodness - WOO!
This time, we have lots of cool updates and NEW STUFF to check out - such as sexeh fully textured cars, new PowerUps, a new car, and whole new arena to play in! So go forth, download your Update and CHECK THIS LOT OUT:
• Stiffshifter (Gameplay Ready)
• Volkswerker (Complete)
• Bear (Complete)
• Tashita (Complete)
Bleak City - Outskirts
• 1 new route – Rushin’ Roulette
MagNuChem – The Core
• New arena! 1 Route – Core Blimey Mate
MagNuChem - Reprocessor
• 3 new routes!
o Bridge of Cries
o Pier Pressure
o Pass the Port
Dusty Trails – National Park
• No new routes Powerups have been rejigged.
Frosty Pass – Rig Wreck
• New and improved! Now with more girth!
New Powerups!
• Spastic Opponents
• Suicidal Peds
• Jelly Suspension
• Wall Climber
• Placeable cameras in AR (check FAQ[] for how to use)
• Updated sound content
The FAQ[] and Known issues[] list has been updated too, so before you make a bug report make sure to check whether it's a known issue already! The FAQ also details how to use the NEW camera in AR! You can find the updated FAQ here[].
Finally before I go, just a quick reminder that we have a "Wish You Were Here” screenshot competition going on right now - so if you want to join in and win some Carmageddon goodies, there are more details here[]!
Hugs and big sloppy... giblets, Very Happy
Sim xxx 20 июня 2014
Early Access 'Hot Fix' Update – 20 June 2014
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
Hey there Carmafans!
Today we have a new Hot Fix available which fixes some issues introduced in our last update.
The new Hot Fix is available now (Pre-Alpha v0.3.0.5644). This will be automatically applied to your game the next time you run the Steam client. But if your game is not being updated, please log out of Steam and back in and it should then start the update.
The fixes in the Hot Fix are:
• Sound sliders are now correctly affecting car engine audio
• DSP Underwater audio effects now working correctly
For the full list of Known Issues visit 18 июня 2014
Early Access Title Update 3 – 18 June 2014
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
Grasp your controllers firmly Carmafans! In our efforts to pleasure you regularly with gaming goodness and gore, we bring you ANOTHER exciting Update to our Steam Early Access release of Carmageddon: Reincarnation. We have updated content and also present BRAND SPANKING NEW STUFF to ogle over, drive or destroy….and it's all OUT NOW!
Let’s take a look at what NEW goodies have been added and what’s been IMPROVED in our latest Update (build v0.3.0.5621)
• COMPLETE Annihilator
• COMPLETE The Plow INCLUDING driver Don Dumpster!
• Revealing The Bear (geometry complete, gameplay ready)
• Revealing Tashita (geometry complete except for weapon, gameplay ready)
• Revealing Volkswerker (geometry complete, gameplay ready)
Bleak City Outskirts
• NEW race routes for you to navigate
• Building optimisations
City Arena (Sumo)
• Complete and cosy NEW level, designed for future Multiplayer fun
Dusty Trails
• Tear round these NEW race routes
Rig Wreck
• Geometry and Texture WIP
Snow Arena (Iceberg)
• NEW routes, created with Multiplayer in mind
Industrial A
• Textures WIP
• NEW Wheelspin control; demanded by Carmafans, implemented by us …because we love ya!!
• More PowerUps – Discover the hilarious NEW ‘Opponent Ejaculator’ and ‘Opponent Bodywork Vac’ powerups, and revel in the return of some old favourites.
• Roaring NEW sound effects and engine noise
Optimisation work on our engine and rendering tech also continues, and you should experience further improvements to the performance of the game on medium spec PCs. See the specs details on the Steam Store page for more information regarding tech requirements. We’ve also fixed lots of bugs, however, please remember we’re still in Early Access, and so the oft-repeated caveats concerning game performance and BUGS still apply!
If you already own the game and your Steam update is set to run automatically, then you won’t have to lift a finger; all these new goodies will be downloaded the next time you run Carmageddon: Reincarnation! 7 мая 2014
Community Announcements - jason [stainless]
Update 2 is now available!
Go and get it while its hot!
j 7 мая 2014
Early Access Title Update 2 – 7 May 2014
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
We are deeply delighted to announce that our second big update for Carmageddon: Reincarnation is now available on Steam! And what a PILE of stuff we’ve got for y’all! Below is a list of all the notable THINGS that will be in the Update, plus some handy hints and explanations about what the new things actually DO!
Performance related changes
Our performance updates in the latest version include:
1. The game has a better frame rate in full screen. Reduce your screen resolution to improve performance.
2. We default to the LOW Graphics quality setting in the new Visual Options screen. Lowering this setting is the first thing you should try if your performance is not suitable.
3. Once you have set the Graphics quality setting to something that is approximately correct for your PC we suggest you use some of the Advanced options to further tune the look and performance of the game depending on your PC setup.
4. Post Processing, Shadows, Dynamic Cube Mapping, Virtual Textures and Ambient Occlusion are big performance hitters.
5. The new sliders for World Distance, Accessory Distance, Ped Distance and Vehicle Distance can all have dramatic effects on game performance. We suggest you try each one, see what affect it has in the game and experiment with getting a balance between visual niceties and a playable frame rate.
6. You will find that these sliders can be adjusted on per-level basis depending on how the level has been built, how large it is and the sort of viewing distance required.
On the Low setting and turning off VT’s, Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, Post Processing and Cube mapping we have been able to achieve a 30fps+ gameplay experience on nearly all levels using the following PC setup:
i3 @ 2.9Ghz, 4GB RAM, 1Gb AMD HD 5700 series video card. Chopping Maul is our largest level yet and this level will have worse performance than the others.
Please be aware that this is just the beginning of our performance optimisations. We expect to see a lot more happen over time as more content is implemented and we find out the best ways to render the game to screen for different PC setups.
Post Processing is in early stages and as such the visuals in game when they are switched on have not been set to final.
Virtual Textures have been implemented and are included in the build. They are switched off by default as (currently) they can have a detrimental effect on performance, especially on lower spec PCs. If you have a good rig we suggest you try them and see how they work. We would love to receive feedback about how they are working on your PC. Please include output from DXDiag with any reports. (See HERE for how to generate the DXDiag file.)
Multi-threaded Damage is switched off by default. This was a late addition to the game and hasn’t received much testing. It should provide a performance boost but as it is untested we expect there to be some dodgy results. You can help us by reporting bugs you see with this switched on. If you can try to replicate any bugs with it switched off and on before reporting the issue that would be fabulous.
For a complete breakdown of each setting please see the following support article:
New Features
New Environments:
• Bleak City
Environment Updates:
• Dusty Trails
o Now populated with more PUps and accessories
o Level geometry and texture tweaks and updates
• MagNuChem
o Now populated with more PUps and accessories
o Level geometry and texture tweaks and updates
• Rig Wreck
o Level geometry and texture tweaks and updates
New Cars:
• Electric Blue – complete with "Electro Bastard Ray” (ped reaction and visual effects not done yet – in the meantime, the ray insta-gibs ‘em!)
• The Plow – not textured yet
• Annihilator – complete with permanent "Hot Rod”, but also not textured yet
Car Updates:
• CU:NT Cop car textured and specs tweaked for game play
• General game play tweaks, adjustments and fixes to all cars
Front End updates:
• Improvements to the Wrecks Gallery and Garage
• New Visual Options to tweak to increase performance
• General bug fixes and improvements
In-Game updates:
o Performance and Stability Improvements
o More Ped animations
o More new Peds
o New Pups
Electro Bastard Ray
Peds on Map
Mine Shitting Ability
Fast Bleedout
Opponent Stinger
Ped Detonator
o Water splashes
o Minimap and Map tweaks
o PIS tweaks
o Additional audio and audio tweaks and improvements
o Action Replay tweaks and improvements
Things We Broke
The Eagle R’s damage texture is currently "horrible”. 3 апреля 2014
Early Access 'Hot Fix' Update – 3 April
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
Hey there Carmafans!
The team has been extremely busy since our Early Access launch last week and we have another ‘Hot Fix’ to send your way! The highlights for this Hot Fix include updates to Action Replay, making it more stable.
The new Hot Fix is available now (Pre-Alpha v0.1.3.4668). This will be automatically applied to your game, the next time you run the Steam client. But if your game is not being updated, please log out of Steam and back in and it should then start the update.
The fixes in the Hot Fix are:
Action Replay Fixes:
• Added Keyboard Controls for Camera (and Exit) in Action Replay
• General fixes to make Action Replay more stable
• Fixes to make Large/Long Action Replay sessions more stable
• Fixed some issues with particles in Action Replay
• Fixed some AR issues with Granny’s Zimmer frame
Others Fixes:
• Fixed some physics issues related to PEDs, PUPs and Picket Fences!
• Fixed crash problems when ejecting drivers from vehicles
• Fixed some text issues in Russian language version
• Made changes to the PowerUp Instant Selector graphic guide
New known issues with the current Steam build (Pre-Alpha v0.1.3.4668)
• Cows sometimes 'Teleport' at speed in Action Replay
• Caddy Fat Cat rear lights out of place when damaged
• Cannot cycle through cameras in post-race replay
• Slowdown when rewinding through footage of reconstruction of objects in Action Replay
• Help section cannot be accessed in Action Replay
For the full list of Known Issues including issues that have been fixed visit 27 марта 2014
Early Access Title Update - 27 March
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
Hey there Carmafans!
We are deeply delighted to announce that Early Access for Carmageddon: Reincarnation is now available on Steam! So go forth into splattering carnage land and enjoy your first taste of Hot Carmageddon Action!
With this Early Access launch (Pre-Alpha v0.1.2.4593) comes a new update to the "Early Early Access” build previously released as an exclusive preview for our Kickstarter Backers. This will be automatically applied to your game the next time you run the Steam client.
New Features (in addition to the content released exclusively for KS Backers):
New Features:
New environments:
• Dusty Trails
• MagNuChem
Front End updates:
• Control the visual options from the menus
• New settings to change the behaviour of reverse camera
• Adjust the master sound volume (boy do we treat you!)
• New option to quickly restart the event once your event has ended
In-Game updates:
• Performance and stability enhancements
• The Powerup Instant Selector (or "PIS”) – quick access to powerups you’ve picked up AND to purchase more after you’ve used them.
• A tutorial for the PIS
• Addition of the dev Free Cam and Inspection Cam available in action replay
• New types of ped
• More sounds
• General bug fixes
PIS Remapper
Select – Use the PIS to select 1 of 4 Powerups.
• Tap a direction to purchase a mapped Powerup
Purchase – Double tap to purchase the Powerup with race credits if you don’t own it.
• Double tapping buys that PUP and removes race credits
• You can only purchase PUPs if you have the credits (unless you have switched on the Allow PIS Overdraft in Pre Release Options – found on the Freeplay setup screen.)
Customise – Press and hold to reassign Powerups you've discovered.
• Press and hold the DPad or I,J,K,L keys to bring up the remapper.
• Navigate using steering controls.
• Enter/A to confirm choices.
• Esc/B to back up a level and exit the remapper.
• Only Powerups that have been collected can be mapped
Action Replay Special Cameras
• You can hide the Action Replay HUD by pressing "Num Pad .(Del)”!
Inspection Cam
• Press C on the keyboard or Y on the Controller to change cameras
• Use the right analogue stick to orbit around the car
Free Look cam
• Press C or Y on the Controller to change cameras
• Keyboard/Mouse only
• I and K to go up and down
• J and L to go left and right
• Mouse to look around
• Left click go forwards (hold shift to speed up)
• Right click go backwards (hold shift to speed up)
Known Issues with the current Steam build (Pre-Alpha v0.1.2.4593)
New issues
1. Motion Blur and translucent shadows are not yet working (but is not scratched out on the menu) – so fiddling with it is futile!
2. Sometimes when repairing your car, you may end up floating above the ground a little bit – bugger!
3. Max and Otis don’t appear to be turning the steering wheel in Caddy Fat Cat
4. Problems with Caddy Fat Cats Tail-lights, they don’t always crush properly.
5. All Front End audio and music missing after completing a race
6. Some Visual Options are being set to the lowest setting when changed in race first (recommend changing in main menu until fixed)
7. Can crash when leaving a race – (suggest continuing to play in a comical way? Hehe)
8. Some text is missing in English and Russian (sorry!)
9. Player car engine sound sometimes goes missing
10. When updating to this version, if you have fiddled with the config.lua file, the "Car reflection quality” may be naughty and set itself to "high” – which on lower spec PC’s my affect the performance. If you are having trouble with the performance, check the graphics settings and change this naughty setting to low.
11. Changing to windowed mode may do funny things… if funny things happen, quit the game and load it up again, it should then have got its act together
12. If you are having performance issues, have a fiddle with the graphics settings, pop things to low. The big winners to fiddle with are: Image Quality & Car Reflection Quality.
13. There are hardly any power ups in the MagNuChem and Dusty Trails environments, don’t worry though, they will be there soon!
For the full list of Known Issues including issues that have been fixed visit 15 марта 2014
Early Early Access 'Hot Fix' Update!
Community Announcements - shane[stainless]
Hey there Carmafans!
So Thursday we had our Kickstarter and PayPal VIP Early Early Access Launch – and all in all it seems to have gone down a storm!
Now, those of you playing the game may have noticed one or two little reminders that this is a Pre-Alpha Game, and that you could be pretty certain to encounter some issues when playing – and we invited your comments and feedback. Well, we’re already getting some issues coming through that are being investigated (as well as finding more ourselves), and some issues reported are getting resolved really quickly here at Stainless, with a really positive effect on the overall stability of the game. Thank you so much for your help with this!
So, we have made a "Hot Fix” to the game, which has been uploaded today, 15 March 2014 (Pre-Alpha v0.1.0.4406). This will be automatically applied to your game, the next time you run the Steam client.
The fixes in the Hot Fix are:
• Improvements to wheel, axle and tyre damage sounds.
• Fix to damage which fixes the fact that collisions between cars or the world could improve health for both the player and AI cars. This meant that cars seemed difficult to wreck, certainly more difficult than we wanted them to be.
• Fix for the Repairing frame rate slowdown bug.
• Fix to the "weird damage” bug where cars would be halfway through the ground, or in mid-air, or parts could float, or the car could unexpectedly bounce. (Note that this is an "attempted/hopeful” fix. So if you do see any more of this shit, you’ll make Patrick cry but he won’t be that surprised.)
• Cops no longer continue to attack a wrecked player.
• Fix for the "Wrecked ‘em!” message not appearing, and also for cases where points or time were not awarded for collisions.
• A change to some legal stuff that no-one will care about.
Known issues with the current Steam build (Pre-Alpha v0.1.0.4406)
1. Sometimes peds can become confused by the terrain and/or congregate in certain areas of the map. If this happens we suggest you punish them!
2. The game continues to play and can be controlled when the game window is not in focus. We suggest you stay focused on Carmageddon at all times.
3. Action Replay is not yet fully functional and may exhibit strange behaviour or glitches, sometimes these can be humorous, sometimes it might just crash.
4. Toggling the microphone tick-box can cause audio problems in the menus. Don’t do it!
5. Audio can sometimes sound distorted - bugger!
6. Race timer can misbehave. Naughty Race timer!!
7. Performance and balancing of the power ups is incomplete. This will be an ongoing task for us, luckily for us they are great fun to play with!
8. Using Alt-Tab on the race complete screen can sometimes cause a blank black screen or a game crash. See point 2 for what to do.
9. The game will crash when trying to access Action Replay at the end of the race. Don’t do it!
10. Skid marks are sometimes rotated vertically and will go into the air. To be fair a car may have moved in that direction but it really should not be leaving skid marks in the air!
11. The horn doesn’t work. Pressing H will do nothing, other than wear out your H key.
12. Power ups can be knocked to the floor instead of being collected – bugger! We suggest you drive faster into them, in fact, drive faster everywhere in the game.
13. Power ups can be triggered on the race completed screen. This shouldn’t happen and could lead to all sorts of strange things to happen.
14. Viewing cars in the Garage sometimes displays flat grey tyres and bright body work. Eww, that doesn’t look nice. Just pretend you didn’t see it and you will feel better.
15. Sometimes the cars are missing from the Wrecks Gallery all together! Why not try playing the game again so you can see the wreckage in all its (morning) glory.
16. The Free Recovery Vouchers power up has no text callout. They are still free though so shouldn’t complain too much.
17. There are no callouts for Repairing or Recovering for free – see point 16.
18. Master volume slider isn’t functional – bugger!
19. If you have collected a Power Up and then view it in Action Replay it will sometimes appear, sometimes it won’t…
20. If you disable the race timer but then jump start the race the timer will appear again. Naughty race timer!
21. Alt + F4 doesn’t close the game when in full screen. See points 8 AND 2.
22. Some Kickstarter credits are missing – sorry guys! We will be re-working the credits screen as we progress through Early Access and making sure you guys are all credited.
23. The Loading screen stutters – bugger!
24. Peds occasionally teleport around the map or do not "ragdoll”. We suggest you punish them.
25. Bonuses are sometimes being awarded erroneously – hehe woohoo, extra rewards…but really – bugger!
26. Peds don’t always replay correctly in Action Replay. We suggest you punish them.
27. We don’t have a full suite of audio effects in-game. We are gathering appropriate audio effects but it has been difficult to find an oil rig smashed into an iceberg, populated with nuns to get the reference material required.
28. We have found a mysterious, quiet high-pitched whine occurring on some on-board sounds cards – twilight zone!
29. Lots of missing sounds, particularly environmental impact ones.
30. Lots of unfinished sounds and sound effects, including damage and repair.
31. Twister’s wheels are really bad at intersecting things.
32. Suspension/wheels flickering between two positions when damage is really bad.
33. Occasional crazy ‘smearing’ of bodywork into fantastical shapes after crazily heavy impacts.
Digital Rewards and Steam Keys
It’s also being reported that some of you have had trouble getting your Steam key from Humble Bundle. We are doing all we can to help here too! This is our step by step guide to dealing with this issue:
Can't find your email? Please follow these steps:
1) Check your emails junk folder or spam filter to make sure it's not been moved somewhere.
2) Create a Humble Bundle account and go to your library to check for past purchases
3) Use The Humble Key Resender found on the following link and enter your email address you submitted in your survey information for your digital goods to be sent to:
If your email has changed since you pledged please send an email to [email protected] and we'll try and get you into the game as soon as possible!
Finally, thanks again for all the great feedback to the Launch, and your continued support for Carmageddon: Reincarnation.
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