Pixel Piracy v0.9.0 (Windows)(ENG) [Beta]
![Pixel Piracy v0.9.0 (Windows)(ENG) [Beta]](/_ld/567/51968755.jpg)
- Размер: 113.61 MB
- Категория: download / Демо,бета версии
- Загрузок: 2 091
- Комментарии: 0
- Дата обновления:09.07.2014
обзор Pixel Piracy v0.9.0
Pixel Piracy
Год выпуска: 2013
Жанр: RPG, Sandbox, Sim
Разработчик: Vitali Kirpu & Alexander Poysky
Издательство: Vitali Kirpu & Alexander Poysky
Платформа: PC
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
Тип издания: Неофициальный
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Системные требования: ОС: Windows XP/7
Процессор: Core 2 Duo или выше
Память: 1.5 GB RAM
Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 3000 с 384 MB RAM
Жёсткий диск: 150 MB свободного места
Звуковая карта: DirectX совместимая
ПО: Directx, .NET Framework 4, VC++
Pixel Piracy - зачетный пиксельный RPG-рогалик, где вы будете управлять
командой пиратского корабля! Нанимайте новых членов команды,
поддерживайте дисциплину, следите за состоянием оснащения, улучшайте
корабль, и многое другое.
Бороздя случайно генерируемые морские просторы, ваш корабль будет сталкиваться с различными врагами и другими опасностями.

Full change list:
IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to ensure the proper functioning of the game and until we come up with a standard a definitive and stable savegame format, SAVE FILES HAVE BEEN RESET and will be reseted until we come up with such standard savegame format (most likely during next week).
- Added 2 new types of bushes that drop berrys with small chance when they are attacked.
- Added urns to some ships, they sometimes drop gold when broken!
- Different Enemy ships added!
- You can now walk on the destroyed ship blocks.
- You can nove move camera up and down!
- Remade some icons that are over the pirates head.
- New Chest opening effect.
- All Crew members can now collect loot, not just your captain.
- Enemy SHIP generator completly remade from scratch and now support very. custom creation of the ship. (so far only tier 1-6 encounters work, the other ones will give you error).
- Improved Enemy pirate Grapplehook control.
- Plunder now readded and you get more gold over dificulty.
- Removed Spider webs for now.
- Poop morale loss nerf!
- Pirates dont poop that often, but the poop is now more dangerous.
- Gull poop rate decreased.
- Changed how weapon damage is calculated.
- Dexterity and Agility are now +100% more effective.
- Vitality now decreases movement and grapple speed, tanky builds are now slow, raise agility to even stats out if you want.
- Intelligence no longer gives extra TP, Intelligence now increases Passive XP gain by 3 instead of 1.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed exploit where you can kick & hire pirate again to have low salary.
- Fixed bug where pirates would sometimes spawn in water when in a ship combat.
- Fixed bug where you could capture enemy ship when sailing and there is no ships around.
- Fixed bug where pirates would not eat food that is near the edges.
- Fixed bug where morale difficulty settings didn't work.
- Optimized Simulator Engine, less laggy when there is big ship and alot of pirates!
- Optimized Ship Renderer system and its now 100% times faster (good if you have bad GPU)!
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