7 Days To Die. Steam Edition [P / Steam Early Access] {Alpha 7.11}
![7 Days To Die. Steam Edition [P / Steam Early Access] {Alpha 7.11}](/_ld/540/89719196.jpg)
- Размер: 1.92 GB
- Категория: download / Демо,бета версии
- Загрузок: 3 812
- Комментарии: 0
- Дата обновления:22.04.2014
обзор 7 Days To Die. Steam
Версия игры: Alpha 7.11
Перезалито 22.04.2014
Обновлено до Alpha 7.11
Общая информация:
Год выпуска: 2013
Жанр: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Разработчик: The Fun Pimps
Издатель: The Fun Pimps
Тип издания: Alpha 7.8
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
Таблэтка: Вшита (3DM)
Минимальные системные требования:
OS: 10.6 / 10.9
Processor: 2.4 Ghz Dual Core CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia 9800M GTS | Radeon HD 6770M
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: Install size will gradually increase with future updates.
В 2034 году случилась ядерная война, которая практически уничтожила
Землю и все человечество. Кто выжил, тот был заражен смертельным вирусом
от которого умирают в течении семи дней и возрождаются ужасными зомби.
Никто уже не верил, никто не ждал, что это можно остановить. Но, вот,
появляется надежда и эта надежда - вы. Главный персонаж игры возможно
единственный выживший на данной планете. Ваше имя означает убийца
монстров, и убивать вы будете чаще, чем есть. Вам надо собрать последние
силы и побороть вирус.
Наверное, вы, уже поняли, почему компания
The Fun Pimps назвала игру "7 Дней чтобы умереть". Игра будет
представлять песочницу с открытым миром и брать лучшие элементы FPS,
RPG, Survival Horror и Tower Defense
Перезалито 22.04.2014
Обновлено до Alpha 7.11
Общая информация:
Год выпуска: 2013
Жанр: Action (Shooter) / 3D / 1st Person
Разработчик: The Fun Pimps
Издатель: The Fun Pimps
Тип издания: Alpha 7.8
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Английский
Таблэтка: Вшита (3DM)
Минимальные системные требования:
OS: 10.6 / 10.9
Processor: 2.4 Ghz Dual Core CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia 9800M GTS | Radeon HD 6770M
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: Install size will gradually increase with future updates.
В 2034 году случилась ядерная война, которая практически уничтожила
Землю и все человечество. Кто выжил, тот был заражен смертельным вирусом
от которого умирают в течении семи дней и возрождаются ужасными зомби.
Никто уже не верил, никто не ждал, что это можно остановить. Но, вот,
появляется надежда и эта надежда - вы. Главный персонаж игры возможно
единственный выживший на данной планете. Ваше имя означает убийца
монстров, и убивать вы будете чаще, чем есть. Вам надо собрать последние
силы и побороть вирус.
Наверное, вы, уже поняли, почему компания
The Fun Pimps назвала игру "7 Дней чтобы умереть". Игра будет
представлять песочницу с открытым миром и брать лучшие элементы FPS,
RPG, Survival Horror и Tower Defense
Official Alpha 7.11 Release Notes
Added new medicine loot group for zombie nurses and medicine cabinets
Changed reduced chance for finding firearms in cars and increased chance to find them in backpacks
Changed increased zoom on all weapons except sniper rifle
Changed cobblestone stairs recipe to use cobblestones instead of blocks
Changed removed cloth strips from the game and added more cloth fragments. All recipes that used to use cloth strips now use cloth fragments
Changed barbed, iron reinforced clubs to use scrap metal.
Changed animal hide only yields 2 leather now instead of 3
Changed metal trussing recipe so it doesn’t conflict with grill
Changed barn wood recipe to use wood plank instead of the now obsolete old wood
Changed driftwood to create wood planks instead of old wood blocks
Changed trees now give wood amounts relative to their size
Bug Fixes
Fixed car and zombie cop death explosions not showing particles
Fixed voice chat not working on steam build
Fixed problem that on dedicated servers some block changes were swallowed by lp
Fixed frame rate problem
Fixed problem that some bushes did not show but slowed down the player
Fixed pig loot to always drop meat hide and bone
Known Issues
The 64 bit version has been somewhat unstable. If your running into crashes try running the 32bit version by double clicking the "Install_32bit” in your SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die folder
Currently there are no upgrade/downgrade path for concrete, reinforced concrete or metal doors.
New Systems Guide
Alpha 7.10 came with upgradable downgradable blocks, land claims, friends list and locking doors and chests. Here is a little more information on how these systems work.
Upgradable and Downgradable blocks
Players can build wood frames and while holding a stone axe with wood planks in their inventory right click on a wood frame block and upgrade it to a wood block and repeat action to upgrade it to a reinforced wood block. Then if you have scrap metal you can upgrade it once again to metal reinforced wood block. These same blocks can be damaged and downgraded to their previous states and then repaired and upgraded again.
There is also a higher grade cobblestone path that upgrades form metal rebar to cobblestone to fortified to reinforced metal concrete
Land Claims
New players are awarded 1 land claim keystone block in their starting inventory if a server is running Survival PvP. Ways to earn more will be added in future updates.
You can kill players and loot their land claim blocks if they haven’t been placed or mine up a land claim block and steal it for your own so its wise to protect your land claim blocks
The keystone block is a special looking block that when carried by the player shows a 7?7 or server set protection grid rendered as a transparent green protected grid.
The keystone block offers durability protection 7?7 all the way vertically
Keystone blocks can be destroyed by other players removing their durability modifier of the fort
Only the owner and friends in your group can build blocks in your land claimed areas
Land claims have a no claim zone outside of their perimeter where only the land claim owner and friends in his group can stake additional neighboring claims. Default could be 30 meters measuring keystone to keystone (This could be an optional owner permission setting)
Only the owner of a land claim and friends in his group can add new neighboring land claims right next to an existing land claim but not overlapping
Zombies and owners/friends of the claim owner are not affected by claim durability
Players must revisit claim once a real-time day to prevent Claim Decay
Land Claim Game Options include
Claim Size – Sets the size of the protected area around a land claim block. Default is 7?7 all the way vertically.
Claim Deadzone – Sets the distance neighboring non friended players can place their land claims. Default is 30 blocks/meters away.
Claim Duration – The number of days a player can be offline before their land claims expire. Default is 3 real-time days
Claim Decay Mode – How a land claim’s hardness modifier decays over time that the claim owner is not on the server. Default is Slow
Claim Health Online – The hardness modifier applied to land claims for players who are currently online. Default is 32x harder to destroy.
Claim Health Offline – The hardness modifier applied to land claims for players who are currently offline. Default is 32x harder to destroy.
Friends list
The new friends list can be found if click on the friends tab in the main inventory menu accessed by hitting ‘I’ in-game. From there you can invite players on the server to friend, see invites, accept invites and remove friends. Friends have advantages like sharing buildable areas, seeing each other player icons and turning on friendly fire if these options are set on the server.
Locking Doors and Chests
Players who craft doors can lock them, unlock them and set passwords which can be shared with other players. Note the player who owns the door or chest never has to unlock it or enter a code to open the door. Friends who know the password only have to enter it once.
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